THE BALANCE ISSUE #11 features instant photography from our community. we received an unprecedented amount of submissions and had an incredibly hard time choosing which images to feature in print. in order to publish more photos, we included an honorable mentions spread in print.
we wish we could have featured these images more prominently, but simply ran out of pages. here you’ll find a gallery featuring each of the honorable mention artists.
thank you to everyone who submitted! having too many good photos to choose from is a good problem to have :)






































#1 Alexander Gouletas @alexander_gouletas
#2 Alexandra Wolfe @newoldpolaroid
#3 Anastasiia Antonenko @stusha_film
#4 AnnaMaria Leal @imprintedshadows
#5 Tony @mutatedant
#6 Ashleigh @optical_instrument
#7 Chris Macan @chris.macan
#8 David Hayden @dfilmphoto
#9 Emilio Benitez @emilio_beatz
#10 Evan Kennedy @emk.images
#11 Fei Alexeli @feialexeli
#12 Ines Bahr @inesbahr_photography
#13 J. Marie Valdivia @jmarievaldivia
#14 Jade Aster @themoontalkers
#15 Jaya Bhat @jayabhat
#16 Jenny Sampson @jennysampsonphotography
#17 Jessica Brown @JAB_Photostudio
#18 John Hill @filmpapi
#19 Josh Abess @joshabess
#20 Kai Ioteva @kaiki.creatives
#21 Kahleal Milner @themilnerkahleal
#22 Kaitlyn Kerr @thekaitlynkerr
#23 Kathryn Zeringue kathryn.zeringue
#24 Kyla Plewes @polakyla
#25 Laura Johnston @laurainspirit
#26 Logan CW Kinney @clowndick4satan
#27 Melanie Hooker @melllltata
#28 Memo Stone @memostone
#29 Mya Hernandez @camya.hernandez
#30 Nathalie Mendonça @mnathaliee
#31 Noelle Nakamura @nakanoodledoo
#32 Rachael Baez @rachaelbpolaroids
#33 Ryan Searl @ryan__ramsey
#34 Sabine Kranich-V @sabine_kranich.v
#35 Sarah O'Neil @sarahoneil___
#36 Vanessa Gonzalez @vanessaphotoproject
#37 Viktor Chomiak @viktor_chomiak
#38 Vincent Vue @clearlyvince
#39 Willow Joy Parker @wilifurd
#40 Yuri Avila @filminlatinx